Welcome to the Medical Memories Roadshow

The Medical Memories Roadshow is a voluntary non-profit making organisation. None of the items are for sale. But the collection or parts of it are available for displays, exhibitions and occasionally for hire to TV companies.

The collection , which now contains well over 10500 items of medical and surgical equipment together with uniforms and text books that date back to 1850, was started 15 years ago in Formby near Southport.

Latest Items



TV Appearances

Parts of the collection have been made available for hire to TV companies such as Granada in the past. Equipment from the Medical Memories Roadshow has been seen in "The Grimleys"
If you are a TV company requiring the hire of such specialist equipment please direct any enquiires to Paul Hughes. The Medical Memories Roadshow is a non profit making organisation and Paul would like to extend his appreciation for all the help and support he has received in putting the collection together. Almost 95% of the items have been donated from various sources such as Hospitals, Manufacturers and private individuals as well as Manufacturers including: - Physio-Control, Zoll, Vickers, Artema and Ferno U.K., West Country Ambulance Service, Clifton Canvas and Sioen U.K. to name but a few.

If you have any items you would like to donate to the collection please contact Paul on one of the contact numbers below

We do NOT do a valuation service, but we can help identify medical items (time permitting) if requested.

Where the collection is housed is not open to the general public, but displays and exhibitions open to the public can be arranged, please email for details

For details of Forthcoming Exhibitions of the Medical Memories Roadshow, Please ring Mob: 07899775784.